By De La Motte Fouque. London: William Heinemann, 1909. 4to, full gilt-stamped and -lettered vellum, string tie, t.e.g. slipcase. Number 707 of 1,000 copies signed by Rackham. Illustrated with numerous mounted color plates after Rackham. Light soiling to boards, slipcase broken. [Together with:] By Richard Wagner. London: William Heinemann, 1910. 4to, full gilt-stamped and -lettered vellum, t.e.g. string tie, slipcase. Number 786 of 1,150 copies signed by Rackham. Illustrated with numerous mounted color plates after Rackham. Light soiling to boards, slipcase broken. London: J.M. Dent, 1907. 4to, gilt-stamped and -lettered green buckram, dust jacket. With numerous mounted color plates. Jacket deteriorated; toning to leaves.

Leslie Hindman Auctioneers