A collection of 14 telegrams sent to General Daniel T. Ruggles, from March 5, 1862 to August 11, 1863, all on South-Western Telegraph Company letterhead. Comprising the following: 1) from W.O. Crame of Memphis, to Corinth, Mississippi, 65 horses will be sent tomorrow, asking if he should send the rest of the mules or wait.; 2) from Capt. W.M. McCloskey of Corinth, to Memphis, informing Ruggles of the "sentiments of Memphis" that Capt. Saffarans be appointed Provost-Martial; 3) from Medical Director A.J. Foard of Corinth, to Grand Junction, Tennessee, informing Ruggles that Sgt. Hearne and three men from the Louisiana Infantry have control of the medical barracks in Corinth while he is away; 4) from E.G. Wheeler, Oklona, Mississippi, to Columbia, regarding a collection of telegrams that was returned; 5) from Capt. Thomas R. Dashiell, Okolona, Mississippi, informing Ruggles that a bridge at Aberdeen cannot quickly be restored and asking where he should put his boats if he cannot place them at Cotton Gin like he wants; 6) from Capt. H.M. Carter reporting that "three hundred Yankees landed at Bonfouca Bayou" and much was destroyed; 7) from Capt. H.M. Carter reporting that the enemy were two miles from Ponchatoula and that they numbered three thousand; 8) from Major M.R. Clark inquiring about the status of a company and the supplies and rations they require; 9) from Major M.R. Clark indicating that conscripts are entirely under the control of the Secretary of War and that all Read more…

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