(1769-1825) likely later restrike of from the series Torii Kiyomine (1787-1868) likely later restrike of from the series Kitagawa Utamaro I (ca. 1753-1806) likely later restrike of Katsukawa Shun-ei (1762-1819) likely later restrike of Utagawa Toyoharu (1735-1814) likely later restrike, depicting three ladies playing various instruments woodblock prints signed (middle left), signed (upper left), signed (lower right), signed (middle right), signed (lower left) along with other examples Tokuriki Tomikichiro (1902-1999) and from the series (six works, five with margins trimmed) together with two other prints woodblock prints and offset prints each of the Tomikichiro examples signed Height of average 15 x width 10 inches.
Leslie Hindman Auctioneers