comprising The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Modern Europe; The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Paul Signac; Marina Ferretti- Bocquillon, Signac Watercolors; Abrams, Paul Signac, A Collection of Watercolors and Drawings, Druick and Zegers, Van Gogh and Gauguin, The Studio of the South; Taschen, Renoir, Painter of Happiness; Abrams, four volumes: Dufy, Monet, Renoir, and Turner; Eric Shanes, Turner's England, A Survey in Watercolors; Art Institute of Chicago, Impressionism and Post- Impressionism; Barnes & Noble, The Impressionists Handbook; Sister Wendy Beckett, The Story of Painting, Enhanced and Expanded Edition; Alexandra Bonfante-Warren, The Musee D'Orsay; Abrams, Fredric Remington; and Doubleday Windfall, China, A History in Art. 17 volumes.

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