After Abraham Munting (Dutch, 1626-1683). A collection of four 20th century color facsimile works after the engravings from "Nauwkeurige Beschryving der Aardgewassen (Accurate Description of Earth Crops", originally published in 1696. Collection comprises of "Luteola Cannabinoides Cretica", "Oxylapathum Tuberosum Americanum", "Cyclamen Estivum Anemones Effigie Radicatum", and "Malva Chinensis Rosea Arborescens". Each lithograph depicts a plant, either in a planter or floating to expose the root ball, set within a landscape with the Latin name of the plant inscribed upon a ribbon form or pedestal. Framed approximately 23 5/8" x 19 3/8", sight size approximately 13" x 8 5/8".

Ahlers & Ogletree Auction Gallery