Two inscribed first editions by Studs Terkel, Ben Hecht, and one later edition inscribed by Nelson Algren. By Ben Hecht. New York and London: G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1921. 8vo, publisher's green cloth. First edition, inscribed on the f.f.e.p. Edgewear; hinges starting. By Studs Terkel. New York: Pantheon, (1970). 8vo, publisher's blind-stamped brown cloth. First printing, inscribed by Terkel on the f.f.e.p, additionally inscribed by Hank Oettinger on p. 114. Lacking dust jacket; minor wear to boards. By Nelson Algren. New York and London: Harper & Brothers, (1942). 8vo, publisher's blue cloth, dust jacket. Second edition, inscribed on the f.f.e.p. Jacket lightly soiled and marginally chipped with some loss; hinges starting; ends bumped.

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