Autographed letter signed ("W"), as First Lord of the Admiralty, three pages, on a bifolium, on Admiralty Whitehall letterhead [London], May 28, 1915. In this letter, Churchill writes to Ivor Churchill Guest, his cousin and first Viscount Wimborne, and asks for shelter at Wimborne Palace for himself and his wife as Churchill was currently lending his own home through the month of July. Written during WWI, Churchill additionally comments on the current state of affairs, writing, "The wheel of fortune has swung full circle as far as I am concerned. I linger here only to watch over as far as possible the fate of my great enterprise. The new cabinet is interesting and formidable..." Housed in maroon morocco clamshell case with gilt-lettered spine. Folded in half; otherwise fine.

Leslie Hindman Auctioneers