MIL-TIME USA "Desert Storm Operation". Donated by Alexander Haig Notes Alexander Haig General Haig was born in 1924 in Philadelphia and graduated from the U.S. Military Academy in 1947. He pursued graduate studies in Business Administration at Columbia University (1954-55) and received a Master's Degree in International Relations from Georgetown University (1962). A Second Lieutenant in the Army, he advanced through a variety of military assignments, and served in Japan, Korea, Europe and Vietnam. Service in Vietnam (1966-67) earned him the Distinguished Service Cross for heroism. In the course of his distinguished career, General Haig received many military decorations from the United States and several from other Governments, including Belgium, Germany, Morocco, France, Italy, Luxemburg, the Netherlands, and Portugal. From 1962 to 1965, he served in the Pentagon as Military Assistant to the Secretary of the Army and Deputy Special Assistant to the Secretary of Defense. In 1969 he was Senior Military Advisor to the President for National Security Affairs, Dr. Henry Kissinger, became the Deputy Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs, and was promoted to full General in 1972. In his four years at the White House, ending in 1974, he made 14 trips to Southeast Asia as the personal emissary of the President to negotiate the Vietnam cease-fire and the return of the U.S. prisoners of war, and also coordinated preparations for President Nixon's historic v Read more…
