1,610 ITL
Longines, No. 4272123, anni '20. Interessante e storicamente importante orologio da taschino, in metallo laminato, con le insegne di Re Boris III di Bulgaria. "demi-bassine", liscia, con le insegne applicate sul fondo. Q. dorato con cifre arabe nere + quadrantino per i secondi. Lancette "Flèches" in acciaio brunito. 17' rodiato, 15 rubini, scappamento ad ancora, bilancere bimetallico con spirale Breguet. Quadrante, cassa e movimento marcati. In buone condizioni. Diam: 44 mm. Notes Fine and historical, gold filled, watch with the coat of arms of the King Boris III of Bulgaria. BIOGRAPHY: Boris III was born in Sofia on January 30th, 1894. He was the son of Ferdinando I and Maria Luisa Borbone of Parma. \X/hen he was two years old he became orthodox for political reasons and he was educated at the Military Academy of Sofia. Between 1911 and 1912 he travelled mach visiting in particular Asia Minor and the canary Islands. In 1911 he attended the coronation of King George of England and in 1912 he took part in the Balkan war. During the First World year he became a State Attache. On October 4th, he was proclaimed King of Bulgaria after the abdication of his father. In 1930 he married Giovanna of Savoy, daughter of Emanuele III. In 1934, he dissolved the Parliament and set up a dictatorial regime. During the Second World War he joined forces with Italy and Germany against the Soviet Union. He died mysteriously on August 28th, 1943 after a meeting with Hitler.