Five Staffordshire Pottery Earthenware Figures, England, c. 1815, overglaze enamel decorated figures, four bocage figures, two Ralph Salt: "EARTH" and "GIRL AND LAMB," both with impressed "SALT" ribbon mark; a Walton figure of a boy and his dog, with impressed Walton ribbon mark; and a "SHOW WOMAN" figure; together with a figure of a cobbler, (chips and repairs), ht. 5-6 5/8 in. figure of "EARTH"-bocage branches replaced; "GIRL AND LAMB" -bocage replaced, body cracked and repaired; Walton figure of a boy and his dog-(restored hand and chips to bocage, minute paint losses on high points, 1 1/2 in. faint hairline on back of base; "SHOW WOMAN" figure- minor chips on bocage tips; cobbler- minor paint losses on high points of face, base edge chips.
