Extensive Collection of 18th and 19th Century Corkscrews, representing a plethora of cork removal devices, three mounted with antler handles, one mounted with an ivory handle with silver end-caps, one with a pair of ivory tusks conjoined by a silver foliate band, five with turned bone handles (all with small whisk brushes to one end of the handle, two of these bearing maker's patent labels, one for Dowler, the other for W. Brookes & Sons, Sheffield), eleven with turned wooden handles, (six of these with small whisk brushes to end of handle, and one with a steel foil cutter at the end), eleven all metal devices, (including one formed as a large key, a phallus-form, scissors-form, and a ratchet form marked for Lund Patent London, and another marked Perry & Co.), lg. approximately 3 1/4 to 10 in., some monograms.
