Engineering Forms, Gibson Incorporated, Kalamazoo, c. 1950-70, includes approximately 36 patterns, form, molds, and dies (various metals) used in the making of headstocks, plates, pickguards, pickup routing, etc., for guitar models including the Hummingbird, Melody melody Maker, Flying V, SG Special, Firebird, Super 400, Les Paul (1959), and ES-335. Lot also includes over one hundred patterns and samples relating to bridges for archtop guitars and mandolin models c. 1950-70, with instructions and specifications (electronic samples include a P-90 pickup with attached changed orders, floor samples with attached specifications). "Box 12" is an original Kalamazoo factory workbench drawer and storage bin containing an assortment of samples for bracing and other acoustic guitar parts, many with extensive handwriting and production notes that instituted dimensions, changes, and instructions for machinists in the construction of the Les Paul Signature, ES-175, ES-140, and many others. 1. Engineering Forms (Photo 1) These were the exact forms used in the construction of some of history's most collectible guitars at the Gibson plant in Kalamazoo. These were used in the construction of every Les Paul Standard and Custom guitar from 1959, every Super 400, ES-335, SG, Flying V, Firebird, and many others. They present a unique insight to the era of manual precision in the production Gibson's guitars from their most collectible period. Inventory 1. Pickguard Pattern for Hum Read more…
