Five Copeland and Spode Creamware Culinary Molds, England, 19th century, two Copeland: a circular resembling a copper mold, dia. 6 1/8; and rectangle with fish, lg. 7 5/8; with three Spode: a lion, lg. 8 1/4; and two swan halves, lg. 7 in.; impressed marks. Copper: three firing blemsihes to the glaze on the rim; small hairline to the center of the motif. Fish: numerous stain spots; roughly a 2" hairline to the motif (does not go through body); a few nicks to the motif. Lion: 1/4" rim chip with slight staining surrounding the chip. Swan halves: the one looking right with several slight rim nicks; the one looking left with two rim chips of 1/4 and 3/8 ".
