Seventeen Assorted English Pottery Items, late 18th century, twelve creamware pieces: a small tub with pomegranate finial on cover, two small shallow oval serving dishes with pierced decoration around the sides, a large, round, shallow bowl with central pierced decoration, a double-spouted sieve, a small reeded mug with lapped reeded vine handle with floral and foliate terminals, four luncheon plates with pierced rim decoration, a plate with pierced and molded swag rim decoration, and a small reeded mug with entwined strap handles; three pearlware items: a small pink lustre accented transfer-decorated pitcher with make-do tin rim and spout, a teabowl with a band of red and blue flowers, and saucer with peafowl decoration; a small yellowware bowl with a band of green seaweed decoration, a mochaware mug with a wide band of blue flanked by thin black and white bands; and six early 20th century reproduction creamware items, (imperfections), ht. 1 1/4-4 3/4, dia. 3 1/2-12 1/4 in. creamware: small tub- old repair and small chip on tub upright extentions; oval serv. dish with 4 lobed panels-good cond., oval dish with molded shell designs-good cond.; lg. rd. shallow bowl- about 20 small chips on beaded rim, undulating base chipped in about 6 spots- sm. to 1/2 in. chips; a double spouted seive-3 sm. rim chips; small reeded mug- good cond. 4 luncheon plates- a small reeded mug with entwined strap handle; lg. plate with pierced and molded swag rim decoration-small chip on one swag m Read more…
