Six Creamware Table Items, England, late 18th century, a cream jug and a small mug with floral decoration and reeded entwined strap handles; two floral decorated cylindrical tea canisters; a pierced round lobed basket with scalloped rim and twisted vine handles; and a hemispherical bowl decorated with floral sprays, (imperfections), ht. 3 5/8-4 1/2, basket dia. 9 3/8, bowl dia. 8 5/8 in. all painted items with minor small enamel losses; cream jug- about 5 old small repairs on rim, old repair on spout now chipped, 2 1/2-3/4 in. hairlines from rim, two old base repairs (a little more than half of base was repaired); small mug- old repair about 2 x 1 1/2 in. area on rim, small base chip; blue floral dec. tea caddy- good; red and purple flower dec. caddy- rim repaired; basket- one handle repaired at both ends, and also one scallop where one side of handle is attached with a small loss to one of the strands of the handle, small rim chip on underside, hairline on another scallop by other handle; hemisphereical bowl- three hairlines on one area from frim about 1/12-2in. lg., 3 small old repaired base chips.
