Twelve Pieces of Assorted English Creamware, a coffeepot, mug, two open sugars, a reticulated wine coaster, one platter, a plate, and a hand-painted floral decorated teapot with two cups and saucers, coffeepot ht. 9 3/4, mug ht. 2 5/8, sugars ht. 4 and 4 1/2, coaster dia. 3 3/4, platter lg. 19, plate dia. 9 1/2, teapot ht. 5 in. Scattered and varying rim, edge, and foot nicks and chips, crazing, wear, glaze wear, some staining, coffeepot with lid hairlines, cylindrical sugar with one one handle repaired, teapot lid cracked/repaired, spout repair, body spider hairlines.
