Pair of 12-inch Regency Library Globes by Newton, the terrestrial with circular cartouche (part of text missing) Newton's New and Improved Terrestrial Globe, On Which the Most Recent Discoveries Are Laid Down from the Accurate Observations of Capt. Cook, Vancouver.... & Other Modern Navigators. I. & W. Newton, 97 Chancery Lane, London, 1810 , made up of twelve engraved gores on plaster sphere, with continents lightly shaded, countries outlined in faded green, coasts hatched and colored, North America divided into territories and states, Massachusetts Bay colony marked, New England shown as a single region, Louisiana as a territory, the Pacific Coast labeled "New Albion" and California as a peninsula, Indian Villages and Snake Indians labeled in the West and North West, North West Africa labeled Barbary and Zahara or Great Desert, East Africa as Nubia, tracts of Central Asia labeled Mongul's Tartary and Chinese Tartary, Australia as New Holland, and Tazmania as Diemen's Land, oceans marked with the tracks of Cook and other explorers, Sandwich Isles noted as the place "where the celebrated Captain Cook lost his life", Longitude from London marked, Equinoctial calibrated twice 0-180 degrees, Ecliptic by days of the month and Zodiacal sigils, applied Analemma, the Meridian passing through Greenwich; the celestial with cartouche bordered by clouds and putti A New Celestial Globe, On which the Stars are Carefully Laid Down from the Accurate Observations of Mr. Flamstead & Dr Read more…
