Brass Fusee Engine by Ferdinand Berthoud, Paris, last quarter of the 18th century, vice held machine engraved on cutter frame Ferdinand Berthoud Fecit carried on a decoratively shaped frame with crank key adjustment, hand crank threaded advance, knurled thumb screws and beautifully made locking screws for main components all mounted on a walnut display block, lg. 8 in., together with Ferdinand Berthoud, 1727-1807, Horloger Mecanicien Du Roi et de la Marine (1884, Musee International d'Horlogerie, 343 pp.). Note: Ferdinand Berthoud (1727-1807) settled in Paris at age 19 and flourished as a watchmaker and author of horological works. This tool is illustrated and discussed in Crom #2, pp. 457 and remains one of the few tools signed by this preeminent maker. The brass machine is in an old mellow patina, possibly the two wooden handle keys used to make adjustments are by association, no apparent missing elements, replacements or restortation.
