Six S. E.G. Cups and Saucers, Small Pitcher, and a Tile Art pottery Boston, Massachusetts Four yellow cups and saucers, one marked FL 9-15, the others 7-16, all marked S.E.G.; one yellow cup and saucer with Paul Revere mark and initialed JW, and a blue cup and saucer with Paul Revere mark; yellow pitcher marked S.E.G. 11-22, with a green and blue floral decorated hexagonal tile, unmarked; dia. S.E.G. cups 3 3/4, saucers 5 7/8; dia. yellow P.R. cup 4, saucer 5 3/4; dia. blue P.R. cup 4 5/8, saucer 6 1/2; pitcher ht. 3 1/4; tile dia. 3 1/2 in.
