Johannes Ernst Spangenberg, Easton Bible Artist(Southeastern Pennsylvania and New Jersey, 1755-1814) - Watercolor and ink on paper fraktur birth and baptismal certificate for Sarah Andres, born February 25, 1780, Sussex County, West New Jersey, the top border with 5 musicians playing violins, cello and trumpets flanked by floral groups, the center with English script, the bottom border with 3 dancing couples, a man carrying a riflt, 2 dogs, a deer and pine trees within a floral border, done in typical vibrant greens and oranges, 12 3/4" x 15 1/2". Other similar examples done for the Andres family are found in American Radiance, the Ralph Esmerian gift to the American Folk Art Museum , plate 168, done for Martin Andres; Pennsylvania Folklife , winter 1972-73, Vol. XXII, article by Monroe Fabian, page 5, for Anne Andres. Provenance: Wilmer and Mary Blackwell Moore collection.

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