Twenty-four Books Related to Sailing, hardcover, titles published by The Marine Research Society, Salem, Massachusetts, include: American Clipper Ships 1833-1858 , Vol. I and II, by Howe and Matthews, 1926; The Pirates of the New England Coast 1630-1730 , by Dow and Edmonds, 1923; Wrecked Among Cannibals in the Fijis , by Endicott and Jenkins, 1923; Voyages and Discoveries in the South Seas 1792-1832 , copy on American vellum no. 63 of 87, by Capt. Edmond Fanning, 1924; Ship Model Builder's Assistant , Charles G. Davis, 1926; The Frigate Constitution and Other Historic Ships , copy on all rag paper no. 32 of 97, F.A. Magoun, 1928; The Rigging of Ships in the Days of the Spitsail Topmast 1600-1720 , R.C. Anderson, 1927; Shipping and Craft in Silhouette , Charles G. Davis, 1929; American Merchant Ships 1850-1900 , series one and two, Frederick C. Matthews, 1930 and 1931; Ships of the Past , Charles G. Davis, 1929; Goin' Fishin' , W.G. Pierce, 1934; Ship Models/How to Build Them , Charles G. Davis, 1925; The Built-Up Ship Model , Charles G. Davis, 1933; Sailing Ships of New England , Robinson and Dow, 1922; Slave Ships and Slaving , by George F. Dow, 1927; The Baltimore Clipper , Howard I. Chappelle, 1930; Sailing Days on the Penobscot , Wasson and Colcord, 1932; Ships and Shipping , painted by Roux, Alfred Johnson, 1925; The Sea, The Ship, and the Sailor , from log books and original narratives, 1925; and The Making of a Sailor , Frederick P. Harlow, 1928; with two published Read more…
