Polychrome-painted Wallpaper Mural "On the Banks of the Bosporus," by the workshops of Joseph Dufour et Amable Leroy, France, early 19th century, paint on paper, mounted on linen, (wear, paint and paper losses), ht. 59, wd. 9 ft. 8 1/2 in. Provenance: The imported French wallpaper mural was reportedly from the house of Enoch Dow of Salem, Massachusetts, which was built in 1807 and removed c. 1820 by a gentleman named Charles Wellington who removed this paper from the house after many architects and artists were unable to do it. It reportedly took him three days using his own preparation to remove it. It was then mounted on linen. Literature: Early Homes of Massachusetts (Architectural Treasures of Early American Serv.) , 1977, Arno Press, p. 79. The same wallpaper is reportedly on a wall in Col. William Lee's House in Marblehead, Massachusetts. The linen base is pretty stable, some of the paper is lifting from it, scattered areas of paper losses, scattered areas of paint loss, the linen is applied to wood slats on both the top and bottom ends.
