Needlework Sampler, "Wrought by Lucinda F. Harrington born Oct. 30th 1808 Aged 11 1820," Marlborough, Massachusetts, stitched with silk threads on a linen ground, with a flowering vine and basket of flowers enclosing alphabets and a pious verse, (losses and fading), 18 1/4 x 17 1/4 in. Provenance: Family descent in the Captain William Harrington family of Marlborough, Massachusetts, then to the consignor. Note: Lucinda Fisher Harrington was the daughter of William and Hannah (Fisher) Harrington. Captain Harrington reportedly lived in the historic Sherman Farm before he sold it and moved to town when he encountered financial difficulties. Lucinda married Horatio Warren on February 8, 1833. A genealogy of the Harringtons are included with the sampler.
