Eight Assorted Marine Related Items, 19th-20th century, a wrought iron whaling spade; two cast brass harpoon gun spear tips, one with manufacturer's mark impressed "PERKO"; an iron eelspear indistinctly impressed "---RBANK CAST STEEL"; a carved wood and iron fish hook with lead weighted shaft; a turned wooden club-like device with a wrought iron hook on one end; a painted wooden sailboat model on stand, lg. 5-25 1/2 in.; and a framed engraving depicting A View of the Whale Fishery and the Manner of Killing Bears Near & on the Coast of Greenland , "Engraved for Middleton's Complete System of Geography," identified in inscriptions, sight size 7 3/4 x 11 1/2 in., in a period molded giltwood frame. Sailboat model rigging and rudder broken.
