Collection of 18th-20th Century Bookplates, the majority engraved with a coat of arms, two are for George Washington, one is for Isaiah Thomas, reportedly engraved by Paul Revere, approx. 154 bookplates total. Numerous bookplates are housed or loose in a bound book, many of notable individuals of their time with references to "American Book-Plates, A Guide to their Study with Examples" by Charles Dexter Allen (1865–1926); and "Bookplates" by Sidney L. Smith; Many are noted Rhode Island figures. Other notable bookplates: Theodore Roosevelt, Charles Dana Gibson, Attorney General of the United States Henry Dilworth Gilpin; William Hickling Prescott (May 4, 1796 – January 29, 1859) American historian and Hispanist; Gamaliel Lloyd, (1744–1817), English merchant and political reformer; Henry Bowen Anthony (April 1, 1815 – September 2, 1884) Known as the Father of the Senate; George Peabody Wetmore (August 2, 1846 - September 11, 1921) was the 37th Governor and a United States Senator from Rhode Island; Samuel Pomeroy Colt (January 10, 1852 – August 13, 1921) was an industrialist and politician from Rhode Island. -One portion of the book appears to be a schoolboy's notebook/handwriting exercise on "Rhetoric" dated 1801-1803; the book binding is deteiorating.
