War of 1812 Transfer-decorated Staffordshire Pottery Pitcher, England, c. 1815-20, buff-colored body, with black-transfer decoration depicting naval heroes Commodore William Bainbridge on one side and James Lawrence on the other side, accented with pink lustre, (repaired), ht. 4 5/8 in. Note: This pitcher depicts War of 1812 naval heroes William Bainbridge who commanded the USS Constitution in its victory over the HMS Java, and James Laurence, who was second in command under Stephen Decatur in the successful raid on Tripoli in 1804, and who also assumed command of the USS Chesapeake , suffering a mortal wound in the battle against the HMS Shannon , and who uttered the famous motto "Don't Give Up the Ship." The entire background excluding the transfer decoration, (also the interior has been repainted too) has been professionally repainted, unable to detect any damage, possibly just masking discoloration.
