Needlework Family Record, "Wrought by Mary Ann Hobbs In the 12th year of her age 1832," Livermore, Androscoggin County, Maine, the sampler stitched with silk threads on a linen ground, with rows of alphabets over arched columns ornamented with hearts, birds, and flowers, and the vital statistics of Josiah Hobbs (b. 1787) and Sarah Walker (b. 1788), married on February 18, 1813, and their two children William (b. 1814) and Mary Ann (b. 1821), with geometric and floral borders, (minor toning and fading), sight size 17 1/4 x 17 1/2 in., in a later mahogany veneer frame. Note: According to History of the Town of Livermore Maine..., by Ira Thompson Monroe, 1928, Colonel Josiah Hobbs (1788-1855) married Sarah Walker (1788-1872) and resided in Livermore, Maine. Colonel Hobbs was prominent in town affairs. The couple had two children, William (1815-1896) and Mary Ann (1821-1886). Mary Ann married Sonanus Briggs (1823-1902) also of Livermore, and together they had five children.
