Seven Wood Boxes, three burlwood with hinged lids: one book-form with polychrome stencil designs, lg. 3 1/4, one with stenciled black wreath to lid, lg. 3, the third unadorned, lg. 2 7/8; a domed box with two compartments, lg. 4 1/16; a modern box with slide cover and heart mark on bottom, lg. 2 7/8; and two shoes with slide covers, lg. 3 3/4 and 4 3/8; with a brass-mounted leather shoe-form box, lg. 3 1/2 in. (eight items total). Burlwood book with crack to lid and loss to polychrome decoration. Burlwood with black wreath with loss to stencil designs. Unadorned burlwood box with loss to inlaid component on lid.
