Extensive Portuguese . 833 Silver Flatware Service for Twelve, Alves, maker, retailed by Reis Filhos, Porto, with botanical design to handles, comprised of twelve each: dinner forks, luncheon forks, dinner knives, luncheon knives, tablespoons, coffee spoons, and demitasse spoons; fifteen teaspoons, a sugar shovel, a nut shovel, a two-piece carving set, a large pair of sugar tongs, a large serving spoon, a cheese knife, a master butter knife, a soup ladle, a sauce ladle, a three-piece extensively decorated fish serving set, a pierced oyster server, a small two-piece fork and spoon serving set, possibly for paella, an olive fork, a small fish fork, and an additional small serving fork and spoon, approx. 137 troy oz. weighable silver, in large fitted wooden case with drawer.
