Extensive Georg Jensen "Cactus" Pattern Sterling Partial Flatware Service, Denmark, 20th century, comprised of fourteen luncheon knives, fourteen luncheon forks, eight salad forks, fourteen cake forks, eight fruit forks, eight butter spreaders, eight teaspoons, sixteen large youth teaspoons, seven cream soupspoons, one round bowl soupspoon, eight dessert spoons, six demitasse spoons, six coffee spoons, eight individual salt spoons, two medium meat forks, a cake knife, a cake slicer, a date fork, a cheese knife, a dinner knife and fork, two sugar shovels, a bottle opener, a caviar shovel, and a herring server, approx. 117.3 troy oz. weighable silver. Five knives with replaced blades. One with dented Jensen blade. One hollow-handled fork with dent to edge of handle.
