Portrait Miniature of a Young Woman, probably New England, c. 1815, unsigned, watercolor and gouache on paper, oval format, 4 3/8 x 3 3/8 in., in a period embossed brass frame. Condition: Toning, paper applied to card. Note: The sitter is identified in inscriptions on the back and two notes accompanying the portrait as "Rosalinda Taylor b. 1763, Charlestown, New Hampshire, married to Hon. Peleg T. Sprague in 1786...Miniature painted in 1786." However, the clothing the subject is wearing is not consistent with 1786 costume. It appears more like the clothing a woman would wear in the first quarter of the 1800s. Perhaps it is a portrait of the Spragues' daughter Elizabeth who was born in 1799. The paper is applied to a segment of an old photograph, brownish toning on subject and background where no paint had been applied.
