Six Transfer-decorated Dinner Plates and a Small Tray, England, early 19th century, four with "Jackson's Warrented" backstamps: three dinner plates, one in brown transfer depicting the "State House. Boston.," one in black transfer depicting "City Hall New York," another in black transfer depicting "View of the Cattskill Mountain House NY," and a small oval handled tray with red transfer design of "Lake George"; two black transfer plates from the "Picturesque Views" series by Clews, "Troy from Mount Ida/Hudson River," with impressed maker's mark and backstamp title and "N'r Fishkill/Hudson River," no maker's mark but with backstamp title; and an unmarked plate with black transfer scene with figures strolling before several buildings, (minor wear), dia. 8 7/8-10 3/8 in. Catskill Mountain House plate has brownish discoloration moreso on the back of the plate; other plates show some minor wear and spots of discoloration.
