Four Dutch Delft Tobacco Jars, 18th century, two depicting an Indian beside large urn, one inscribed "ST: OMER," the other "No. 2," with trade goods, and sailing ships in the background, brass covers, with two wooden stands; two depicting a scene with an Indian holding a pipe selling his barrels of tobacco leaf, a merchant, and a ship, one inscribed "TONKA" the other "MACUBA," (imperfections), ht. to top of rims 10 1/4, 10 3/4; 11, 11 in. Provenance: The two sets of tobacco have an interesting history of acquisition: Arthur Beane was taken by his father Judge Beane to a Boston auction, c. 1934, where two pairs of Dutch delft tobacco jars were offered. Judge Beane bought one pair, the other pair was sold to another gentleman. After some years when Arthur was courting his future wife, Mary Elizabeth Clarke, it was discovered that her father was the purchaser of the other two tobacco jars at the auction. Indian /Urn- one with discoloration, 1 1/2 in. dia. repaired chip, 3/4 in. chip on lower side, 1 1/2 in. shallow chip on middle side; St. OMER - several small rim chips; Indian holding a pipe- glaze wear and chips around both rims, The one inscribed MACUBA is an early 20th century reproduction, Tonka with 1/2 in. dia. hole drilled on base.
