(Maps and Charts, North America), A New and Exact Map of the Dominions of the King of Great Britain... Containing Newfoundland, New Scotland, New England, New York, New Jersey, Pensilvania, Maryland, Virginia and Carolina , Herman Moll Geographer, [London]: T. Bowles, John Bowles, and J. King, 1715 [but 1731], with two sheets joined together with contemporary hand coloring showing an elaborate cartouche in lower center with dedication to the Honourable William Dowglass, five inset maps or scenes added in lower portion, including "A Map of the Improved Part of Carolina," "A Map of the Principal Part of North America," "A View of ye Industry of Beavers in Canada," "A Draught of ye Town and Harbour of Charles-Town," and a map of Louisiana and East Florida, 1040 x 642 mm, (overall toning, one small tape repair to repair, scattered spotting throughout). Degrees of Latitude 19; Kershaw II:331; Tooley The Mapping of America 55.