Extensive Collection of Over 1100 Mostly Labeled Microscopy Slides, 19th and early 20th century, housed in a mahogany cabinet with thirty-six numbered drawers and a drawer of accessories (door detached), seven cases of varied size and shape (some cases with cracks and separations), and twelve hard cardboard folding flat trays; slide subjects inlclude hundreds of diatoms, as well as arachnids, insects, invertebrates, minerals, and animal tissues including human; preparers include Seaman in Washington, D.C., C.L. Peticolas, The Scientific Shop in Chicago, Dienelt in Loda, Illinois, C.M. Vorce in Cleveland, G. Bonig in Berlin, W. Watson & Sons in London, E.P. Carlton, Cowardin, University of Wisconsin, and many by E. Thum in Leipzig; and a leather-covered box of objectives.
