Group of Chinese and China Trade Ephemera, 19th century, three trade cards, Astor House Hotel Guest Guide at Tientsin and Peking; an engraved map "A Particular Map of the Entrance into Canton," a c. 1810 receipt of payment to a Chinese merchant, correspondence, and a 1876 printed silk program commemorating the centennial anniversary of the American Independence at Shanghai. Contains: -A photograph/trade card of the Wanchi Steam Bakery-photo studio? Floyd & Co. 62 Queens Road Hong Kong, the back inscribed "T. Hunt Esq. with Compliments (signed) L.P. Ward/ Hong Kong/ April 25/68. -a photo/trade card of PUN-LUN Photographer and Ivory Painter. No 56, Queen's Road, upstairs, Opposite the Oriental Bank. Hong Kong." -The paper with the red/pink ground is inscribed "Card of the Tarter General at Foo Chow." -an I.O.U. "Canton , China, Nov. 5 180...I promise to pay to Charqua...$260.00...Paid to Charqua... (signed) Daniel C. Bacon." -printed paper trade card; "TEEM LEE Dealers in King Fish Feather Goods, Grass cloth, silk Embroideries... Wai Yuen Yick Street, No 5. CANTON." -six letters with no envelopes, written by D.W. Osgood possibly a missionary doctor, from China to "My Dear Brother", possibly from Keene, N.H., dates 1872-1876 mentions Peking, Chefoo, FooChow, North China. -Two letters from Helen W. Osgood (possibly wife of D.w. Osgood?) to friends, dated 1872 & 1873, written from Foochow . -A soft cover booklet "Guests Guide to Peking-Tientsin Compliments of Ast Read more…
