Federal Mahogany Inlaid Piano Forte, Benjamin Crehore and Alpheus Babcock, Milton, Massachusetts, c. 1805, the case attributed to John and Thomas Seymour, Boston, with floral polychrome decoration on the nameboard attributed to the shop of John Ritto Penniman, ht. 32 1/2, wd. 63 1/4, dp. 23 in. Literature: A similarly decorated nameboard on a piano forte by Benjamin Crehore with painting attributed to Penniman is shown in "John Penniman and the Ornamental Painting Tradition in Federal-era Boston," by Robert Mussey and Christopher Shelton, in American Furniture 2010, ed. Luke Beckerdite, Chipstone Foundation, p. 24, figure 35. the piano in need of repair - veneer chips, re-stringing, refinishing, etc.
