Needlework Sampler, "Elizabeth R. Trull's Sampler wrought in the 13th year of her age," dated 1828, executed in silk threads on a linen ground, with rows of alphabets over a pious verse flanked by panels stitched with trees and flowers, (toning), 16 1/2 x 17 1/2 in., in a later frame. Note: A note affixed to back reads, "Sampler made by Elizabeth Remington Trull/grandmother of Florence Clark Bud-(she married John Clark on Nov. 28-1835." Elizabeth Trull was born on August 21, 1815 in Tewksbury, Middlesex County, Massachusetts. She was the daughter of Jesse and Olive (Thorndike) Trull. Elizabeth married John Clark (b. September 22, 1796), on November 28, 1835 or 1839. They had at least two daughters and two sons.
