Springfield, Vermont, Needlework Family Record, "Wrought by Mary Lockwood in the 12th year of her," 1826, stitched with silk threads on a linen ground with an arched flowering vine above register listing the vital statistics of John Lockwood (b. 1793), his wife Esther (b. 1791), their daughter and the needleworker Mary (b. 1814), Samuel Haskin (b. 1761 at Bolton, Connecticut), Esther's second husband after John died, sometime before 1822, and Samuel Haskin, Jr., the son of Esther and Samuel, Mary's stepbrother (b. 1822); the lower register depicting three funeral urns, the first partly stitched with the date of Mary's stepfather's death "August 14th 18--," bordered with running diamond bands and a sawtooth border, (imperfections), 16 1/2 x 16 1/2 in., in a later molded giltwood frame. Exhibitions: The First Effort of My Infant Hand: Early Vermont Samplers, The Bennington Museum, June 1997-November 1997. Minor toning and fading, a few dark brown stains and a dark brown area with dye run, ome stitch losses on the top of rt. urn..
