B. Tanner, engraver and publisher (Philadelphia, 19th Century) Lot of Two Engravings: After H. Reinagle, Macdonough's Victory on Lake Champlain, and Defeat of the British Army at Plattsburg by Genl. Macomb, Sept.r 11th 1814. , and After J. J. Barralet, Perry's Victory on Lake Erie, Sept. 10, 1813. Both works dated "1814," and identified in inscriptions. Engravings, sight sizes 19 x 24 1/2 in., in rippled frames with gilt liners. Condition: Macdonough with repaired tear into image u.r.; Perry with margin tear l.l., not examined out of frames. Note: The engravings are sold with two War of 1812 commemorative bronze medallions designed by F. Furst: The first showing a bust of naval officer Thomas Macdonough in uniform with the inscription "THO. MACDONOUGH. STAGNO CHAMPLAIN CLAS. REG. BRIT. SUPERAVIT," (Thomas McDonough defeated the royal British fleet on Lake Champlain), the reverse shows the engagement between the British and American fleets with the inscriptions "UNO LATERE PERCUSSO. ALTERUM IMPAVIDE VERTIT" (beaten on the one side he fearlessly turns the other) and "INTER CLASS. AMERI. ET BRIT DIEXI SEPT. MDCCCXIIII." (between American and British fleets September 11, 1814), with engraver's name under the scene, dia. 2 1/2; the second medallion showing a profile bust portrait of Admiral Hazard Perry with the inscription "HAZARD PERRY. PRO PATRIA VICTI PRESENTED BY THE GOVERNMENT OF PENNSYLVANIA," the reverse showing the scene of the battle at Lake Erie and the Read more…
