Thoreau, Henry David (1817-1862), His Copy with Manuscript Fragments, Pickering, A Greek and English Lexicon; adapted to the Authors Read in the Colleges and Schools of the United States, and to Other Greek Classics , Boston: Hilliard, Gray, Little and Wilkins, 1829, second edition, later cloth, signed on the title page and with fourteen annotations on various pages throughout the volume, 8vo, (lacking prelims, library stamp to titlepage, chipped fore-edge); with two autograph manuscript journal fragments, one double-sided, taken from Thoreau's Long Journal of 1844, each 3 x 7 1/8 in. This copy of Pickering's Lexicon , was originally gifted to the Concord Free Library along with the majority of Thoreau's collection by his sister Sophia in 1874. It was de-accessioned by the library in 1906 and purchased by the celebrated collector Stephen H. Wakeman. The "Long Journal" was penned by Thoreau in the Winter of 1844 as he was preparing for and beginning to write Walden, his seminal work.
