Schoolcraft, Henry Rowe (1793-1864), Historical and Statistical Information Respecting... the Indian Tribes of the United States , Philadelphia: Lippincott, Grambo & Co., 1851-57, Volumes I-VI, three-quarter morocco, Vol. II with preliminaries laid in with engravings, two photos of sculptures and a series of letters, 4to, (spines and top and bottom edges of morocco of boards brittle, flaking, and with losses [possibly charred], morocco brittle and hinges very tender, Vol. I with endpapers and all preliminaries until half title excised and with front board detached, scattered soiling, spotting, and offset). Note: Volume II laid in with prints and a series of three letters to Dennis Alward Esq. concerning two Mohawk sisters, Suasana and Youwega Loft including one from their brother, George Rokwaho Loft dated March 25, 1884 from Six Nations Reserve in Ontario, Canada. This letter also mentions his son Frederick Ogilvie Loft's plan to visiting Eastern cities. all six volumes are present.