Washington, George (1732-1799), Manuscript signed letter, one page, September 20th, 1778, as Commander and Chief of the Continental Army, to Lord Sterling (William Alexander), concerning Washington's orders to take command of a sizable group of troops forming in New Jersey, (minor toning and very slight edge chipping). Text in full: "Head Quarters Sept. 20 1778. My Lord, I have just received letters from Generals Maxwell and Winds, that the Militia of Jersey are ordered out in very considerable force. A part has already collected. Besides the Militia there will be two Continental brigades under Generals Maxwell and Woodford This makes it necessary there should be some office of higher rank than any know there to take the direction of the whole. Your knowledge of the country will give you a peculiar advantage for this purpose. I send you herewith your instructions - I am Your Lordships Most Obed Servant. Geo. Washington. I wish your Lordship to set out as early as you can in the morning. - You will advise me of everything material that happens."
