Lincoln, Abraham (1809-1865) & Taney, Honorable Roger Brooke (1777-1864), Important and historic signed and inscribed pamphlet, The Opinion of the Hon. Roger Brooke Taney, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, in the Habeas Corpus Case of John Merryman , Baltimore: Published by Lucas Brothers, 1861, original printed wraps, inscribed "For Richmond Carlisle from R.B. Taney, July 22, 1861" on the cover and with notation on page 23, line 39, "here insert note A" and with extensive additional note on last leaf, now famous as part of his opinion in the Merryman case; text in full, "A. The Constitution of the United States is founded upon the principles of government set forth & maintained in the Declaration of Independence. And one of the reasons assigned in that memorable instrument for withdrawing the allegiance of the colonies from the British sovereign & forming separate & independent governments for themselves is, that. "He (the King) has affected to render the military independent of, and superior to, the civil power", (wrinkling, minor tears lower part of spine, covers smudged). Note: Lincoln scholar, the Honorable Frank J. Williams, notes: "This presentation copy of Chief Justice Taney's chambers opinion is unique in that he wrote a new paragraph to the printed edition. It was also not included in the official reports of the Supreme Court. President Lincoln declined to address Chief Justice Taney's criticism of the President for authorizing sus Read more…
