Lincoln, Abraham (1809-1865), and Andrew, John Albion (1818-1867), Autograph letter signed, one page, April 4th, 1863, as President, a thoughtful and eager response to a letter from April 1st, 1863, (present) from Governor John Andrew of Massachusetts concerning his opinion about the defence of Boston Harbor; 4to; together with Governor Andrew's original letter of request and correspondence. Text in full: "On the general subject, I respectfully refer Mr. Browne to the Secretaries of War and Navy for conference and consultation. I have a single idea of my own about harbor defence. It is a Steam-ram, built so as to sacrifice nearly all capacity for carrying, to ___ of speed over strength, so as to be able to split any vessel having hollow enough in her to carry supplies for a voyage of any distance. Such ram, of course could not herself carry supplies for a voyage of considerable distance; and her business would be to guard a particular harbour, as a Bull-dog guards bis master's door". In his request to Lincoln, Governor Andrew details that a million dollars has been appropriated to aid in the defence of the Massachusetts sea coast and has respectfully requested that the Federal government aid in the overall coastal defences. Governor Andrew does not specifically ask for his advice on tactics. However, President Lincoln, ever the strategist in all matters, willingly gives his opinion on naval warfare. The "log splitter" turns his attention to splitting ships in Boston Ha Read more…
