Assembled Gorham Versailles Pattern Sterling Silver Partial Flatware Service, Providence, Rhode Island, late 19th century, some with various monograms, comprising twenty-four salad forks, twenty-four hollow spreaders, twenty-two hollow knives, sixteen luncheon forks, fourteen cream soupspoons, twelve demitasse spoons, eleven cocktail forks, nine 5 o'clock teaspoons, five teaspoons, two tablespoons, two jelly spoons with gold-washed bowls, a solid spreader, a serving spoon, a cold meat fork, a cheese scoop, a solid master butter knife, a pickle fork, a hollow cake server with stainless steel blade, and a hollow cheese knife, approx. 129.2 troy oz. weighable silver; together with five International Silver Avalon pattern tablespoons, approx. 11.3 troy oz., and three Gorham Imperial Chrysanthemum pattern blunt hollow knives.
