Gorham Old London Pattern Sterling Silver Partial Flatware Service, Providence, Rhode Island, with monogram "WAF," nine spreaders, eleven salad forks, five spoons, nine dinner forks, fourteen luncheon forks, eighteen teaspoons, eight soupspoons, a lemon fork, nine luncheon knives, nine dinner knives, two serving spoons, a jelly spoon, a cream ladle, a gravy ladle, a salad serving spoon; together with two Towle sterling serving spoons both with monogram "W," a marked sterling silver ladle, a Bigelow, Kennard & Co. sterling ladle, a Reed & Barton cold meat serving fork with gold-washed tines engraved "1893," an engraved spreader with rubbed marks and monogram "EMFB," a cheese server marked "Elmwood," three coin silver spoons and two silver-plated spoons marked "The Danish Silversmith," approx. 100 troy oz. weighable silver, in a wood case.
