Two Oval Format Portrait Miniatures on Ivory, one England, 18th century, depicting a grey-haired gentleman in navy blue coat, unsigned, brass-mounted as a brooch, ivory ht. 1 7/8; the other Cuba, early 19th century, devotional, depicting a man in powdered wig and blue coat, set within a locket, the obverse with cobalt blue glass frame, the reverse displaying a paper document printed "En/este dia he/concedido 40/dias de Indulgencia/al que rezare un/ Padre nuestro y ave/Maria delante de/esta Imagen del Senor/ San JOSEPH. Havana/23 de Julio de 1802," and signed "Fr. Vicente Obispo ___/Com___gua," with verre eglomise border, total ht. 2 3/4 in. English: Good condition. Not examined out of frame. Cuban: Ivory with visible 3/4 in. crack running inward from right edge. Another parallel crack above it and a lengthwise crack, both visible from the reverse. Cobalt glass with matrix of cracks beneath miniature. Loss to verre eglomise. Paper discolored.
