Six Assorted Snuff Boxes, 19th century, three lacquer: one inlaid with tortoiseshell and mounted with silver and gold, lg. 3 3/4, one silver-inlaid and depicting a marsh scene with a crane and fish, lg. 2 3/4, the third mother-of-pearl mosaic-inlaid, lg. 2 1/2; the remaining three wood: one coromandel inlaid with a silver four leaf clover, lg. 3 1/4, the second birch burl and carved "Herman," lg. 2 1/8, the third rosewood, lg. 2 1/2 in. Tortoiseshell box with large horizontal crack to reverse. Crane and fish: Craquelure. Mother-of-pearl: Craquelure and scattered small cracks. Four leaf clover: Shrinkage crack to lid. Adhesive residue to bottom. Herman: Adhesive residue to bottom. Rosewood: Very dry.
