Seven Pieces of Assorted English Silver, comprising a pair of sauceboats, London, 1804 and 1805, Peter and Ann Bateman, makers, lg. 5 3/4; a urn-form creamer with a gold-washed interior and engraved classical-style decoration, London, 1796, Stephen Adams II, maker, ht. 5 1/8; a pierced wine coaster with an oak base with rubbed mark, dia. 4 3/4; an unmarked, pierced basket with floral motifs and handle, wd. 6 1/2; a double-handled open sugar, London, 1811, wd. 7 1/2; and a creamer with three feet and a scrolled handle, London, 1755, maker's mark "GR," ht. 3 1/2 in., approx. 26.9 troy oz. total weighable silver.
